08 March 2017

Global Sisters is improving the lives of Canberra women

Given it’s International Women’s Day, and particularly given this year’s theme is to #BeBoldForChange, I wanted to talk about an incredible charity I’ve been involved with for a number of years now, that’s helping women get successful and sustainable businesses off the ground.

On IWD each year, and throughout the year, discussion often turns to how we can best help and support people in need, especially those living below the poverty line and marginalised (for a variety of reasons) from mainstream employment.

For these people, setting up their own small business is often a very viable solution. But for someone who has been rejected from employment time and time again … who may never have worked for any real length of time … for someone who is battling health issues, language barriers, or just struggling to find transport and affordable child care – can you imagine anything more terrifying?

Read more at https://the-riotact.com/global-sisters-is-improving-the-lives-of-canberra-women/196783

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