18 March 2017

What are Canberra’s most annoying driving habits?

Oooh, here we go …

Look, I think Canberra’s reputation for bad driving is undeserved (although there seems to be no shortage of people on my daily commute who are desperate to prove me wrong).

Sadly, the facts don’t back me up either. While we have one of the lowest road tolls in Australia – due in no small part to our smaller population – we have above average numbers of speeding and drink driving offences as well as more admissions to hospital for motor vehicle accidents.

And there’s even anecdotal evidence we pay higher insurance premiums as a result. Yikes.

So while I’d love to wax lyrical about all the ways in which Canberrans are skilled, courteous and safe drivers (and I’m sure many of us are) … isn’t it much more fun to talk about our bad driving habits?

Read more at https://the-riotact.com/what-are-canberras-most-annoying-driving-habits/197861

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