29 October 2017

Best restaurants and cafes in Canberra for cage-free eggs

More of us than ever before are buying cage-free eggs in the supermarket, but what about when we eat out? If you’re eating out for breakfast this weekend, make sure you’ve got the good eggs!

As on many other topics, the ACT is a leader in the animal welfare space. To date, we remain the only jurisdiction that’s banned the use of cruel battery cages, as well as restrictive sow stalls for farmed pigs.

Those might seem like easy decisions, given there was only one battery cage facility in Canberra (which has since converted to cage-free).

In fact, it should be a straightforward decision for most states and territories, given that battery cages have been (or are being) phased out in most developed countries and regions around the world – the EU, UK, Canada, New Zealand, and several US states to name just a few.

Read more at https://thisiscanberra.com/best-restaurants-cafes-canberra-cage-free-eggs/ 

This article was originally published on The Riot ACT

19 October 2017

Need a ‘Little’ staycation this weekend?

I love a night in a good hotel room. There’s always something that feels incredibly indulgent about it.

Whether you’re a few blocks or a few continents away from home, it feels like you’re a world away from your boring, old day-to-day life.

But of course, the cost and time commitment of travel means most of us don’t get to do it as often as we’d like.

Enter, the staycation.

Read more at https://the-riotact.com/need-a-little-staycation-this-weekend/220184

14 October 2017

Cars old and new and all things blue at Capital All Ford Day this Sunday

Around 5,000 people are expected over the border in Queanbeyan for the Capital All Ford Day this Sunday, where one of the highlights will be the chance to purchase a rare set of Ford coins from the Royal Australian Mint.

Proud Ford owners from around the region and beyond will be putting their vehicles on show – expect to see a huge range, from classic Model T’s to the final model Falcons that rolled off the assembly line last year.

Read more at https://the-riotact.com/rare-cars-and-coins-to-see-at-capital-all-ford-day-in-queanbeyan-this-sunday/219340 

08 October 2017

Our love/hate relationship with Canberra’s windscreen washers

Take a good drive around Canberra’s suburbs and there are some things you’re almost certain to encounter.

A roundabout or two, definitely.

A few kangaroos – dead or alive – absolutely.

Clad in high-vis and wielding their trusty squeegee, they’re almost as much a part of our roadscape as cyclists and Action buses.

But the role of our iconic windscreen washers has been up for debate again recently, following a post on the popular Canberra Drivers Facebook page which has almost 140 comments to date.

Read more at https://the-riotact.com/our-lovehate-relationship-with-canberras-windscreen-washers/218742 

06 October 2017

Japanese Car and Bike Show on this weekend

Thoroughbred Park in Canberra will be home to a different kind of horsepower this weekend with some of the region’s best Japanese motorbikes and cars on show.

The annual All Japanese Car and Bike Show is on again this Sunday 8 October from 10 am to 2 pm, and entry for spectators is via a gold coin donation.

Expect to see premium examples of marques such as Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Mazda, Subaru, Infiniti and Lexus; as well as Yamaha, Kawasaki, AJP, Suzuki and more in the bike range.

Read more at https://the-riotact.com/japanese-car-and-bike-show-on-this-weekend/218759

01 October 2017

Joe's Bar, The Art of Aperitivo

Joe’s Bar in the lobby of East Hotel in Kingston has been a popular installation on the Canberra dining scene since it opened its doors in August 2016.

Though it’s only been open a relatively short time, in Canberra as much as anywhere else, the key to survival in the local bar and dining scene seems to be, evolve or die.

With a seemingly endless stream of new establishments opening up every week, restaurant owners can’t afford to allow their venues to become stale, and Joe’s Bar is no exception.

Read more at http://theyumlist.net/en/2017/10/joes-ar-east-hotel-canberra.html 

What’s the strangest thing you’ve seen on Canberra’s roads?

Earlier this month, I was amused to read the story of a man caught driving in Toowoomba with no front seats.

Yes, you read that right. The car was missing both front seats.

Instead, the driver – who later admitted he was disqualified from driving as well – and his brave passenger were perched on rolled-up foam mattresses.

Surely you could at least drop in a stroller, like that clever Bush Mechanics mob?

For example, there used to be regular sightings throughout Canberra of a small car travelling with an alpaca in the back.

Read more at https://the-riotact.com/whats-the-strangest-thing-youve-seen-on-canberras-roads/216603 

Discover The Plot at Pialligo this Sunday and support bushfire recovery

Love discovering new markets? Love food, wine and regional produce? Want to support local businesses, especially those impacted by the b...