29 December 2017

The year in motoring safety

It was around this time last year that I wrote this piece on motor vehicle safety.

Coming into the festive season, I wanted to explore how and why we continue to die on our roads despite the fact that our roads, cars, and safety awareness are better than ever.

So it’s timely that, earlier this month, I had the privilege of attending the ANCAP safety authority end-of-year celebration.

Read more at https://the-riotact.com/the-year-in-motoring-safety/227895 

Pick your own cherries, right here in Canberra!

Looking for healthy and fun things to do with the kids or your interstate visitors over the next few days?

Are you still craving a few extra handfuls of fresh, festive-season cherries?

Did you know you can save yourself the drive to Young, and pick your own cherries right here in Canberra?

But you’ll need to hurry …

Read more at https://the-riotact.com/pick-your-own-cherries-right-here-in-canberra/228251 

24 December 2017

Akiba, Canberra City, Canberra, Australia

It’s been exactly three years since Akiba Canberra turned on the neon signs and opened its doors, but in a city where both menus and venues seem to change with the seasons, this busy little eatery is still going strong.

I’m no stranger to Akiba Canberra – it’s a regular favourite to visit with friends and work colleagues alike. As many of us tend to do, however, I’d developed a routine of sticking to ordering the dishes I know and love.

So the chance to formally review the restaurant earlier this month also afforded an opportunity to place myself in the chef’s hands and step outside my comfort zone.

Read more at http://theyumlist.net/2017/12/akiba-Canberra-city-Canberra-australia.html 

Discover The Plot at Pialligo this Sunday and support bushfire recovery

Love discovering new markets? Love food, wine and regional produce? Want to support local businesses, especially those impacted by the b...