19 December 2016

I drove a Tesla ... or rather, it drove me (and it can drive you too)

Tesla. Just about everyone on the planet has heard of the electric car company and all are in Wizard-of-Oz-like awe… Jane Speechley gets her hands on the wheel of a Tesla Model S.

Until now, Teslas have remained an unaffordable dream for many who have been enticed by the power brand’s carefully-crafted image. cutting edge technology, environmental credibility, and the mysterious aura of the charismatic Elon Musk.

But now, thanks to a new Australian-first business, you can hire a Tesla for the bargain price of just $319 for a few hours. Which means muggles like me can find out what it feels like to drive a car that retails for around $138,000 on the road. They loaned us one for the afternoon, so we could write this article.

So, what’s it like to spend a few hours in the car of the future? Well, it’s quite an experience.

Read more at https://practicalmotoring.com.au/voices/drove-tesla-or-rather-it-drove-me-and-it-can-drive-you-too/

Hey Canberra drivers – what on earth is wrong with us?

As we approach Christmas and that long-awaited holiday period, many of us are planning to travel.
The potential terror of entertaining the kids on long road trips aside, this time of year is a bit of a nightmare for our emergency services, for very different reasons.

Sadly, the holiday season can also be a horror period on our roads.

Read more at https://the-riotact.com/hey-canberra-drivers-what-on-earth-is-wrong-with-us/191145

05 December 2016

What I learned sliding through gravel at 160km/h [with video]

Behind the clouds of dust and dirt, what’s really going on inside a world rally championship car during the heat of the race? Jane Speechley was lucky enough to get a glimpse.

AS COMEDIAN ROB SITCH said in one of the famous Sh!tscared stunt sketches by The Late Show/Working Dog crew – ‘I don’t have the brown underpants on for nothing.’

To be fair, I was more excited than nervous when the Hyundai Motorsports team first invited me to ride along through a stage of the World Rally Championship course in Coffs Harbour, with their star New Zealander driver Hayden Paddon. 

My rally-loving friends assure me it’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance, and an opportunity not to be missed.

Read more at https://practicalmotoring.com.au/voices/learned-sliding-gravel-160kmh/  

04 December 2016

Are you a fan of rally sport? And if not, why not?

I had an incredible opportunity last week. So bear with me while I open with a little boast.

The final round of the 2016 World Rally Championship was held in November in Coffs Harbour. This is big time – previous rounds are held in Monte Carlo, Argentina, Mexico, Spain and China – so it’s a bit of a coup that Australia gets a guernsey, and the final round as well.

After the serious racing was done, I was invited by the Hyundai Motorsport team to ride along with their young-gun driver Hayden Paddon, through the infamous Wedding Bells forest stage of the course.

Read more at https://the-riotact.com/are-you-a-fan-of-rally-sport-and-if-not-why-not/190086

Discover The Plot at Pialligo this Sunday and support bushfire recovery

Love discovering new markets? Love food, wine and regional produce? Want to support local businesses, especially those impacted by the b...