19 December 2016

I drove a Tesla ... or rather, it drove me (and it can drive you too)

Tesla. Just about everyone on the planet has heard of the electric car company and all are in Wizard-of-Oz-like awe… Jane Speechley gets her hands on the wheel of a Tesla Model S.

Until now, Teslas have remained an unaffordable dream for many who have been enticed by the power brand’s carefully-crafted image. cutting edge technology, environmental credibility, and the mysterious aura of the charismatic Elon Musk.

But now, thanks to a new Australian-first business, you can hire a Tesla for the bargain price of just $319 for a few hours. Which means muggles like me can find out what it feels like to drive a car that retails for around $138,000 on the road. They loaned us one for the afternoon, so we could write this article.

So, what’s it like to spend a few hours in the car of the future? Well, it’s quite an experience.

Read more at https://practicalmotoring.com.au/voices/drove-tesla-or-rather-it-drove-me-and-it-can-drive-you-too/

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