24 February 2017

Come on, let’s cruise, you got nothin’ to lose …

Don’t tell The Beach Boys (who you can thank, or blame, for the headline inspiration) – but a cruise is still a divisive kind of holiday.
I’m not sure whether it’s the fact that we live in a land-locked territory, but the idea of a holiday at sea has real appeal for many Canberrans. Waves gently lapping at the boat, fresh salty air, that sense of taking a real step away from everyday life. Sometimes, the Pirate Party Boat on Lake BG just isn’t enough.

In fact, more than 100,000 of us, or almost a third of our population, are drawn to the ocean and make the trek down to Batemans Bay and beyond every holiday season.

But let’s be honest – there’s a certain stigma attached to cruising. It’s seen as a soft option, a too-easy kind of holiday, snubbed by genuine travellers. Best left to families who don’t want to actually see their kids too much (hello Kid’s Club!), or the blue-rinse set.

Read more at https://the-riotact.com/come-on-lets-cruise-you-got-nothin-to-lose/194251

06 February 2017

How to market cars to women

This week I decided to offer some advice to those car marketers who sit around in their warehouse offices and decide just how a car will be marketed to women.

Most of our content here at Practical Motoring is aimed squarely at the consumer, but today, I’m writing for the information of car manufacturers and products.

And it’s an important topic because it really impacts upon the experience of owning and driving a car – for me, and for about half of our Australian population.

Earlier this year, Summernats raised – as it always does – a lot of questions and discussion around the place of women in the automotive world.

Read more at https://practicalmotoring.com.au/voices/how-to-market-cars-to-women/

Discover The Plot at Pialligo this Sunday and support bushfire recovery

Love discovering new markets? Love food, wine and regional produce? Want to support local businesses, especially those impacted by the b...