27 March 2017

Quick tips to maintain the value of your car

For many of us, our motor vehicle is the second greatest purchase we’ll make in our lives… here’s how to ensure you maintain the value of your car.

The interesting things is, we expect most of those other big financial commitments to pay off. We expect our homes to appreciate in value, and our education to pay off in other ways.

Not so with cars. For the most part, we actually expect to lose money on our cars.

For most of us, the cost of public transport would be less, so we’re paying for the comfort and convenience.

And we just hope to get enough time and use out of our car, before we inevitably lose it via sale or write-off.

Of course, there are a few ways to minimise your losses and ease the impact on your hip pocket.

Read more at https://practicalmotoring.com.au/car-advice/quick-tips-maintain-the-value-of-your-car/

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