12 May 2017

A simple guide to in-car etiquette - how many rules do you break?

Most of us understand the importance of good manners in everyday life – not least of all because we’ve had them drummed into us from a young age …

So why do so many of us seem to leave courtesy at the door when we step into an enclosed space like a motor vehicle? There’s has been plenty written about people behaving badly on aeroplanes, but what about in cars?

I wonder whether – when we’re learning all the important stuff about driving, safety and navigation – we shouldn’t be taking a lesson in motor vehicle manners as well. People who are more courteous inside the car might be better behaved on the outside as well, no?

Read more at https://practicalmotoring.com.au/voices/a-simple-guide-to-in-car-etiquette/

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