01 July 2017

Jervis Bay is awful and you should all stay away

Taking advantage of the recent long weekend, I set out in search of (slightly) warmer weather and took a short road trip with a partner across to visit Jervis Bay. What a mistake that turned out to be.

The Queen’s Birthday weekend is the first public holiday in Canberra after the really cold weather has set in (and after we’ve all switched on our heaters after Anzac Day).

Therefore, even heading to the coast at this time of year, we expected to find hordes of Canberrans on a similar mission to breathe air that’s a few degrees warmer.

One of the responsibilities – it could be said, the burdens – of being a writer, is that we try things out so you don’t have to.

Which is why I can say with absolute confidence, that having just visited this part of the world, the Jervis Bay area is positively terrible and you should stay right away. You’re welcome.

Read more at https://the-riotact.com/jervis-bay-is-awful-and-you-should-all-stay-away/207138

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