23 July 2017

What’s missing from the modern car?

I never thought I’d be the kind of person who valued heated seats in their car. They seemed like such an unnecessary indulgence.

But boy, I’ve been appreciating them over these last few weeks of cold weather in our region.

It’s about that time of year in Canberra where we all just get sick to death of being cold all the time, am I right? As I left my office last week at around 6pm (so pitch dark, obviously …), I found myself dreading that first 5-10 minutes of the drive home in that icy-cold car.

You know, when you just have to bear with the cold air, cold seats, cold steering wheel, until all the systems warm up. Of course, it’s MUCH worse in the mornings. Brrrrrr.

Read more at https://the-riotact.com/whats-missing-from-the-modern-car/210238

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