06 August 2017

Beyond taxis, Uber and ride-sharing: are your kids offering or accepting lifts for cash?

Who’s driving your kids home tonight? There’s growing trend among young people, who are turning their backs on taxis and Ubers in favour of lifts from friends organised through social media. But should you be worried?

Anyone who has (mis)spent their youth in Canberra likely knows the cold misery of that long wait at the end of the night for a taxi or an Uber to take you home to your warm bed.

But with all the recent focus on late-night street brawls and coward punches, it’s easy to forget that stepping into that warm car might not offer the safety you expect.

Read more at https://the-riotact.com/beyond-taxis-uber-and-ride-sharing-are-your-kids-offering-or-accepting-lifts-for-cash/211666

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